20 окт. 2010 г.

Berlin Wall of the 21st century

You get the view crossing from East Jerusalem from Ramallah. Endless queue of buses, cars and taxis, blond palestinian kids selling coffee, sahleb and music CDs.
From one side of the border: fully equipped israeli tanks and armed soldiers,
From the other - palestinian police without even batons.

7 окт. 2010 г.

On the streets of Jerusalem

Written on the red T-shirt: Security.

I don't believe in guns and in "peaceful arms". If you keep a gun you mean to use it and that you will not hesitate to if there's a case.
Sick governments.

1 окт. 2010 г.

Being Russian girl in Amman.

I was walking back home at 8-30 in the morning.
Amman, Rainbow street. Shining pavements, me slightly hungover. White polka dots skirt, T-shirt and flipflops.
Taxi drivers always feel the urge to attract lonely pedestrians attention with a couple of loud "beeeps". You get used fast.
Almost there.
Suddenly. Fancy BMW, two guys at the front seat. And suddenly I hear, with the heavy accent: "dobroe utro!" - WOW! - and they pull back. "Kak dela?"
- Morning! How do I know you? - something makes me speak English
- This often happens. Somehow. What do you speak? - his English is too arabic.
I realize that it's the first time I'm seeing these faces. And don't want to see any longer.
- Ah, o'k, sorry. Gotta go. Bye.
- Stop! - the driver comes out of BMW. He's wearing classic arabic long dress for men, "dishdasha", - give me your number!
- No, - and I start walking away.
- One night we will have fun together! - his shouts followed me
- Fuck off!
- O'k! - (why would he say that?)

I crossed the road, sat on the bench at the point overlooking all the old Amman and couldn't stop crying.