27 янв. 2011 г.

20 янв. 2011 г.

Lunch as a challenge

Every time I eat out in Lagos I close my eyes.
And open after am done. :)
Silly european exclamation - but I miss my no-spices-at-all-potatoes and salmon-and-caviar pasta.
Nigerian food is like nothing else. No similarities.

18 янв. 2011 г.


Nigerians are seriously mad about fashion.
These pics were taken in one of the villages in Lagos state on Sunday at a registration point. Ladies came to register for the forthcoming elections, but I don't want to say that their outlets are that outstanding for this occasion. I bet they look gorgeous even in working days.

16 янв. 2011 г.

Queens college ladies

Girls from my school want to be independent and marry a rich man. (it's ok if you don't see any connection, neither do I).

They are adding me on facebook. This week we start fixing an abandoned school computer lab, on Wednesday we are discussing the school newspaper project. Getting ready for the big show!
The strangest thing to was that Queen's college, elite boarding school, doesn't have any social program for the ladies. There's all the musical instruments for the band (drums, guitars, piano), lots of empty classrooms, 3 computer labs that do not function and a forgotten gym.
Let us just find the way to manage it all.

12 янв. 2011 г.

I'm in.


King's and Queen's colleges in Lagos were founded over 100 years ago by brits. They remain elite educational establishments, it's hard to get in but it's not about the fee. Competition is high, and then you get proper education to enrol in the University, where chances might be even lower.
Nigeria has around 150 million ppl, while Russia is proud to do not lose its 143 million.
Number of Universities here is not increasing with population, it just becomes tougher to survive.
Opportunities are not created easily.

For now have to agree - Face Lagos, No food 4 lazy man.

11 янв. 2011 г.

Russia as a dreamland, let's try

Have been thinking for the past hours - how do I present Russia so that it looks like the best place on the planet. So:
- it's the biggest country
- we are the people that manage to survive 80 degrees temperature difference - from a minimum of -40 in January to a max of +40 in July
- We are the East and the West
- We have the whole bunch of national republics under one umbrella
- Russian literature is one of the most sophisticated
- Russians were the 1st in space!
- we have the longest railway in the world
- russian school is one of the best educational systems on the planet
- we have schi, kotlety, pyrozhky and babushki!

anything else?